23 August 2011

VMware Consolidated Backup - Conversion Error - **Useful Workaround**

Prior to the release of the vStorage API many of us utilised VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB) as a method to backup virtual machines within our VI3 environments. 

If you have seen the following error on attempting to run the conversion via VMware Converter of a VCB backup image then you will find the following article of use. 

A general system error occurred: at line number 8, not well formed (invalid token)
A general system error occurred: at line number 9, not well formed (invalid token)

After raising a call with VMware we had no joy in attempting to resolve the issue which apparently was due to the 2 services running in the backup machine with the issue due to be fixed in the Montana release (Summer 2011) For those experiencing the error at DR you may find the following workaround of interest.

Copy all files restored via VCB Image (i.e. .vmdk's, .vmx, .xml, .nvram & logs) into the relevant ESX/ESXi datastore you are attempting to restore the server to.
Once copied run the following script via vmkfstools directly on one of the ESX/ESXi hosts that can see the datastore the copied VCB restore files reside within .

vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/(ESX/ESXi Datastore)/(VM Folder)/(.VMDK Name) -d thin /vmfs/volumes/volumes/(ESX/ESXi Datastore)/(VM Folder)/(.New VMDK Name)

This will import/clone the VMDK & now allow the .vmdk to be read by ESX/ESXi.
Once the clone completes re-create the virtual machine in Virtual Center and hey presto, problem solved you have a restored virtual machine.
*Remember to delete the original invalid .VMDK and associated files from the ESX/ESXi datastore

Anyone still utilising VCB I would recommend moving forward and utilising the vStorage API which is now supported by all of the leading backup vendors. Happy Recovering

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