1 September 2011

VMworld 2011 - Part One

Just a quick post on the ins and outs at VMworld 2011 in Las Vegas. I have been attempting to keep as up to date as possible with all the updates as unfortunately I couldn't make it, hoping to make it to Copenhagen at the end of October. Below are links to the the videos on the VMworld YouTube channel that I have found most compelling

**STOP PRESS** VMware AppBlast - The hottest thing at VMworld 2011
Steve Herrod's Summary of all the big VMworld Announcements
Cool FREE applications for your VMware environment
**STOP PRESS** Horizon Mobile - mobile phones running the Mobile Virtualization platform
2011 new innovators challenge
**STOP PRESS** - VMware - Project Octopus
VMware SRM, soon useable for any size organisation

VMworld 2011 Day 1 Summary
VMworld 2011 Day 2 Summary
VMworld 2011 Day 3 Summary

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