19 October 2011

Whats on the Horizon?

Market research shows that 75% of employees that are using computers in their job are using or are interested in using a smart phone for work. Typically due to security, compliance and ease of management enterprises do not allow employees to use personal smart phones to perform work duties within the corporate network. Therefore employees often end up with two mobile devices. Which as we all know causes the annoyance of carrying around 2 phones, 2 chargers (often forgetting the charger for one of the two devices!) and not having the capabilities we have on our personal mobile devices on our work mobile devices.

VMware MVP enables users to carry a single mobile device containing 2 Mobile Operating Systems, 1 containing your personal data the other containing your corporate data. At VMworld 2011 VMware announced VMware Horizon Mobile. Horizon Mobile Manager allows enterprises to deploy and manage a virtual machine that is running on an employee owned smart phone. Ultimately VMware MVP allows enterprises to enforce security and compliance policies, ease mobile management and reduce CAPEX on mobile devices.

From an IT Administrators perspective VMware Horizon Mobile will ensure that work VMs within employees personal smartphones can be easily created, provisioned, monitored, managed and destroyed via a central web portal. The ability to create templates to create work phones, leverage policy management for all work phones, push applications out over the air to the work phones from a centralised application catalog and lock or wipe to de-provision the phones results in a secure and simplified mobile management platform mobile for IT Administrators.
At this point in time only Android devices are supported with Samsung and LG being the first vendors to offer devices supported for use with VMware Horizon Mobile. Anyone else considering the switch over to Android following this news? Support for phones and tablets running iOS, RIM and MS Windows 7 Phone are expected, but dates confirming support of these operating systems are yet to be confirmed. One thing I am sure of is that Enterprise Mobile Virtualization is going to be one of the biggest technical advances in the IT and Telecoms industry in 2012. Release dates for solutions utilising VMware Horizon Mobile are expected to be available in the coming months. For all the latest VMware Mobile news follow @VMwareMobile on Twitter and keep an eye on the latest VMware News Releases 

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