As we draw to a close in the first full working week of 2020 I thought I would turn up late to the party by sharing 5 trends I believe will impact Data in 2020, better late than never!
So let's jump into the 5 trends I believe will impact Data in 2020 and also a few little snippets on solutions Catalogic have in our portfolio in line with the trends.
Increases in speed and usability are the norm in the IT industry.
However its become noticeable that organisations are becoming more willing to move away from legacy technologies to build solutions on newer, quicker and simpler technologies if they are a better fit for the workloads.
Consumer technologies such as iPhones and also Cloud consumption is a major driver behind this shift in the marketplace. People want technology that is quick and easy to consume more than ever.
Catalogic are well positioned offering speed and simplicity in DPX and ECX.
Instant recovery for speed via DPX and ECX and new simple to use UIs for simplicity.
The fact we are fully focused on software defined solutions gives us an advantage over vendors trying to ship solutions packaged with expensive hardware.
As per one of NetApp's predictions they believe hardware-based composable architecture will have less short-term potential against commodity hardware and software-based infrastructure virtualization. I agree with that 100% meaning companies previously focused on proprietary hardware appliances are having to pivot and also offer software defined solutions.

The Continued Rise of Ransomware
Its horrible to say but Ransomware will continue to rise and become increasingly enhanced introducing deepfakes, more targeted attacks and cloud-focused ransomware.
This means more focus and budget is put into keeping ransomware out and also having plans in place so end users and IT teams are aware of what to do to rectify the scenario in the event ransomware gets in.
The result of the continued rise of ransomware is that many organisations will be looking for ransomware protection and introducing data protection solutions that support airgaps, data immutability and alerting based on data change all are areas we at Catalogic can offer solutions around.
Ensuring your data is protected against Ransomware in 2020 is crucial to ensure the smooth operation and ultimately the survival of your business. just speak to Travelex ...

Container adoption to continue to increase
According to data available there's over 10,000 companies currently using Kubernetes and the expected CAGR for application containers is 26.5% from 2019 to 2025.
Whilst that predicted growth isn't mindblowing this presents a gap as very few enterprise data protection applications have a method to protect data within persistent storage used via containers. Catalogic offers solutions to enable the protection of persistent volumes and metadata in containers and we are excited about the growth possible around ensuring persistent data in containers is protected. Watch this space for some exciting announcements about the protection of etcd.
With adoption clearly going to increase will containers be the next big thing or just another over-hyped marketing flash in the pan? Only time will tell.

Managed Services Growth
This is a space that I know fairly well having spent over 11 years working for Data Protection focused MSPs. Data growth is definitely a major friend for MSPs and the good news for those in this space is the managed services market worldwide is expected to grow to $214.8 billion in 2020.
At Catalogic we have some great MSP success stories delivering enterprise class data protection at a very low cost per TB for multiple petabytes of data.
If you are a looking at getting into the MSP space around Data Protection or a Data Protection focused MSP that is fed up with legacy technology and low margins offered via existing data protection vendors and want to look at an alternative get in contact, we could make 2020 a more profitable and prosperous year for you.

Data Mobility
Data requiring protection now resides in a multitude of applications and locations. Many newer organisations and applications are born in the Cloud or using Cloud tactically but still have a requirement for their data to be protected. Also data is more than ever not fixed to a location and can be proactively moved to ensure availability and performance for that data is at the correct level expected via the business.
This means organisations need to have data protection strategies and solutions that enable the effective and efficient protection of the data regardless of the location.
DPX and ECX in 2020 will continue to push forward to ensure we are at the cutting edge of data protection and can protect and store data in the vast majority of applications and locations.
The ultimate goal here is to enable a solution that can backup data regardless of its format and location and restore data into any format and location (cross hypervisor/cross cloud)
Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope it sparked some ideas on what you and your business should be focusing in 2020 to ensure your Data is surviving and thriving.
Interested to hear from anyone and everyone on this topic. Do you agree, is there anything you think will have a big impact upon Data in 2020?
If you want to discuss any of the topics in more detail face to face or over a webinar please do get in contact with me via wbush@catalogicsoftware.com
Nice pice William and I would agree with all your points - the democratization of data this year will be a big issue and all these components will be key in that progression.